Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dragging a shadow around.

So, I think I got it. Everybody take a look, give it a try. You can
drag the car's 'shadow' and then release when you get it where you
want, then it loads up the points.

Next up, I'm a gonna integrate my high score server, I think.

But I'd love anymore feedback you all might have.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

trouble with drag and drop interface

I've just about got drag and drop interface worked out, but it doesn't quite feel natural enough. Give it a try, and maybe if you have some pointers, let me know:


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Traffic Jam & Gimp, and the outline filter

I like the way that the vegetables are outlined in Milpa and David said you could probably do it with Gimp. So I downloaded gimp, and sure enough, it was pretty easy to do.

I also love the way that gimp can have the differing alpha values so that the sprites have transparencies.

It was pretty cool.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Ludum Dare (A video game competition)

I just stumbled on the 48 hour game contest.

They give you a theme, and then contest submittals are due in 48 hours. It sounds like mega fun!

The entries are really neat. I really like the graphics style of one of the guys, named Dr. Zool. I like the way the lines are clean, but appear drawn with a marker. I wonder how they do that?

Traffic Jam and other things...

I've got the Traffic Jam Alpha done with some nice comments. I did it with David Brackeen's PulpCore, and using some rush hour graphics I found on the net. The sounds I did by just using a cheap mic I've got at home, recording things like dropping game pieces on the desk, Hayden whistling, or sliding a box across the desk. I think it's kinda cool:

I'm getting excited to try this Rube Goldberg type of a game where you have things in the room, and you have a goal like knock the kitten off of the pedestal, or something like that.
I can't wait for the PulpFizz library to come out. It has the Jbox2d lib mixed with PulpCore.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

PulpCore, Slick, Phys2D

I've been seeing some interesting and fun packages out there to help with making fun little java computer games. I made a computer game for Halloween last year from a book I bought from David Brackeen.


This year, I finished the game, but started looking up what was going no with David. He just finished the first releases of a framework he calls pulpcore. I grabbed it and made a port of that RushHour. Its the game where you have to get the little red car out of the traffic Jam.


I also saw a really cool demo from Phys2d. That looks like so much fun. I love 2d physics, so now my brain is trying to think of some fun stuff that could be done with that. I think of throwing boxes at people, blowing them up, maybe some turkeys doing their own turkey shoot.


What about a game where you use the physics to solve a puzzle, or you have obstacles, and you have certain physical objects to place on the level kind of like the kid on goonies with all of the gadgets and whatnot, you have these objects, you put the objects on the level, then drop a ball or something, and then see how all of the pieces interact, to try and get something to fall into a goal somewhere.

Now, that sounds fun. the objects could be like a baseball bat, a baseball, a soda can, some string, scissors, etc. all of these things you have to try and use to get something somewhere else in the room.

You can tie things together, etc. I like this idea.... Mix this with the pulp core rendering engine and it could be really cool.