Balsamiq just released their newest version of Mockups, which includes some things that I've wanted, but didn't tell them I wanted. Somebody else told them though:
- Move dock ui library left, right, top
- dock the properties inspector (it gets in the way sometimes)
The one I think is the most useful is
- Stretchable Geometric Shapes
Seems dumb, but when I was making some more general purpose projects for cards night, I wanted some shapes, but I didn't want them to look so blocky. Now my shapes will look more natural. Way to go Balsamiq!
Coming up, they have a feature to fix an annoyance I encountered today... moveable document tabs.
Now, if I could just get them to make a really nice way to do UML. I alway feel like I'm piecing things together.
I realize of course that they made Mockups for screens, but I love to use it for my class diagrams, sequence diagrams and general flow diagrams as well.